Bonus Episode: Religion in the Time of Corona

Transcript for Religion in the Time of Corona:

PDF is go! & digital transcript!

Shownotes for this Bonus Episode:

Coming to you from a responsible distance, Megan and Ilyse talk about religion, religious change, and the COVID-19 virus. This episode is equal parts talking through remote teaching and #PandemicPedagogy, feelings, and what professor-types call applied learning, because we’re looking at how we can see ideas we’ve talked about before play out in real time (especially E101’s “religion is what people do;” and E105’s “being religious is both individual and collective”).

We even had a very special guest for our very special bonus episode: Sela, Ilyse’s 6 year old daughter, killjoy in training, orange belt in karate, and reader extraordinaire who is grumpy (she gets it from her mama) about being distanced from friends, teachers, karate, and the outside. We don’t do kiddo pictures on the unpassworded internet, but here’s an image Sela (& Ilyse) approved for Keeping It 101:

We had the good fortune to host “me” on the pod.

We had the good fortune to host “me” on the pod.

We had a pithy number of keywords this time! Find them in our glossary. They were:

  • Coronavirus, COVID-19, minyan, fatwa

The 101:

Primary Sources:

  • In this week’s Primary Sources, Megan talked about cyberpaganism and how a return to online, socially distant religion feels downright retro to her.

  • Ilyse talked about her synagogue’s rapid move from “don’t worry, wash your hands” to “no services except for graveside funerals” and teaching a downright elderly congregation (typical, given American synagogues) how to Zoom into minyan.

  • Sela talked briefly (being 6 and all) about how her Shabbat and Havdallah experiences aren’t changing much, but did notice that we’ll lose our regular Passover family ritual.

Your homework for this Very Special Episode:

JK LOL! There’s no homework in a pandemic! But we can recommend some stuff to pass the time & zone out with:

Ilyse researches identity, hate, imperialism; she’s good at lite TV. Ilyse’s headspace is decidedly romcom, YA fiction, Drag Race, old sitcoms, & Bob’s Burgers. Specifics:

  • The first two books of The Mirror Visitor series in English, by Christelle Dabos. Mildly dystopian future with really creative subplots and worldbuilding. Technically YA. 

  • Laury Silvers’ The Lover: a Sufi Mystery. The sequel, The Jealous, is coming out later this spring. 

  • For fellow parents, Cosmic Kids Yoga works for Ilyse’s kiddos (both under 7). These kids also really love Village Life, a YouTube series that just shows aunties cooking. It’s oddly mesmerizing.

  • Finally, Ilyse kindly reminds everyone that the Golden Girls are on Hulu.

Thank Ilyse later.

Thank Ilyse later.

Megan did not assign homework but also didn’t not assign nerdy books to check out:

But for fun readings, Megan is your podcast co-host go-to.


Sela also had some suggestions:

Y’all can imagine why Megan is Sela’s favorite auntie, right?

Y’all can imagine why Megan is Sela’s favorite auntie, right?

How are you holding up? Let us know on Twitter!