A killjoy’s introduction to religion?!?

Do we still even need to care about religion?

So glad you asked! Do you have a body? Leave your house? Use a calendar? Religion shapes how we think about (and treat!) bodies, travel, time, and so much more. Keeping It 101 can show you how religion works in the world — and why you need to pay attention to religion, even if you’re not religious yourself.

Why critique something you care about so much?

Because that’s who we are, nerds! Sara Ahmed teaches us that “killing joy is a feminist project.” That doesn’t mean we get dismiss or dispose of human creations—like religion!—that can create change, foster community, and foster delight. Being a killjoy means we hold those creations to account. It means we name injustice. We name whiteness and other vectors of oppression. We are honest about our history. We “refuse to look away from what compromises happiness.” And we fight like hell for a more just, more honest world.

What the heck is a killjoy?!?

Is this just a bunch of boring lectures?

Heck no! Megan and Ilyse are both award-winning teachers and world-class goofballs. We use pop culture, current events, and super interesting (but often overlooked) examples from global history to help you see religion at work in the world. We also sometimes talk to (and learn from) our smart friends. The subjects we cover can be heavy, but we always make sure there are light moments along the way. We are often ridiculous, but we are never, ever boring.

What the heck is this podcast?!?

Why should we listen to you?!?

What makes y’all the experts?

So, so, so much school. Ilyse and Megan have doctorates and multiple masters degrees in this stuff. We have written several many books on the subject. And we have won many, many awards for our teaching. (The pod is also an award-winner, for the record.) We’ve spent our whole lives trying to understand religion better and to help other folks do the same. Whether you’re a life-long learner or just getting started, we promise this here podcast has something to teach you — and hopefully we’ll make you laugh along the way.

Do I have to listen from the beginning to get it?

Definitely not! While episodes within seasons build on each other, we write every episode assuming this is your first time tuning in. If you want to learn the basics about religion, season 1 is a great place to start. Season 2 focuses on race, gender, sexuality, and religion. Season 3 pairs explorations of various topics with expert interviews. Season 4—she’s the award-winner, btw—is a double header on “world religions.” Season 5 is a grab bag of topics suggested by listeners and correctives on common misconceptions about religion. Season 6 reviews some of our greatest hits and sleeper episodes. And our current season, season 7, includes a miniseries on religion and adoption, a deep dive into our book writing process, and more.

There’s really something for everyone — just pick an episode that sounds interesting and dive in!!!

Where do I start?!?

Are we still doing this?

We still think it’s important to say out loud that we’re doing this work on stolen land, so yes. But we also know, because our Native friends and colleagues have taught us, that land acknowledgements aren’t enough and can even contribute to the further erasure of Native people and cultures. (Wado to Dr. Courtney Lewis for the links.)

So just to be clear: this pod says #LandBack. Here are some other resources toward materially supporting Native work.