Episode 706: RINDWY: Choosing Case Studies

E706: How Do We Choose Case Studies?
Profs. Megan Goodwin and Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst


PDF transcript. Also available via our Buzzsprout page.

(because citations are political)

This is the second of our three episode miniseries on why and how we wrote Religion Is Not Done With You, since you nerds won’t stop asking us about it!

This second episode is about why and how we chose the particular cases that fill the pages of Religion Is Not Done With You.

In short, we talked about the cases we chose:

  1. Baseball in Boston, specifically, as a not-religion way to think about religion-concepts.

  2. Imperialism and maps, because duh.

  3. Sojourner Truth’s racialization through the reprint—and “retranslation”—of “Ain’t I A Woman” as a way to demonstrate how white Christian women also uphold white Christian (partiarchal) supremacy. And Native activism, because these are crucial ways to see how religion & race are co-authors of each other.

  4. All the healthcare around reproduction in the US and how US law affects others, because my word are these conversations driven by Christianity, whether we see it or not.

  5. Airports. Because if you think you are done with religion, we promise that in an airport? Religion Is absolutely not done with you.

  6. Calendars. You’ve met us. This is the thing.

Religion Is Not Done With You

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If you want to have us visit your local bookstore or campus, please reach out to us and Caitlin Meyer, one piece of the rockstar publicity team at Beacon Press.