Hannah McGregor, author of Clever Girl and cohost of the “Material Girls” podcast, says Religion Is Not Done With You is bringing you
“deep academic expertise and irreverent feminist killjoy spirit”
check out our latest episode!!
check out our latest episode!!
In which we (mostly Ilyse) go all in on religion & tattoos. Special interest: ACTIVATE.
What’s in store for season 7?
4 September 2024
E701 shownotesDid you miss us? We missed you!
Life, as y'all know, uh... finds a way. But we have beaten life back long enough to bring you this update on the pod and what we have scheduled for this, our SEVENTH season!!
Look out for our first-ever book club (Jane Steele, by Lyndsay Faye), two miniseries (one on religion and adoption, one on how we wrote our forthcoming book, Religion Is Not Done With You), plus some one-off So Glad You Asked-style responses to listener questions about things like religion & tattoos AND a sneak peek into Megan's research on #CultsInc and the MOVE bombing.
It's all happening, nerds. Welcome back!
18 September 2024
E702 ShownotesWelcome to our first ever book club episode, nerds! This one has it all: misandry, murder, and...martial religions?
Join us for a very wide-ranging chat about Lyndsay Faye's Jane Steele (and also our own research, because you know academics just can't help themselves). -
Welcome to the first of our four episode miniseries on religion and adoption, which actually turned out to have five episodes because, well, there were just too many horrors to be neatly contained in an outline. We're starting off with some basics on adoption, including how different religious traditions do (or do not) engage in the practice. Plus a very special, very dark return of Primary Sources!
Because books is what we do, nerds! Tune in to hear us geek out about why we decided to pivot to text.
What does adoption have to do with religious freedom? Quite a bit, actually.
Tune in to learn more about the ways religion--and especially, you guessed it, white Christian nationalism--shapes the adoption industry. -
Because--to borrow from Anne Lamott--one of the two best prayers we know is "thank you, thank you, thank you."
13 November 2024
E706 ShownotesIn which we nerd out about how we chose which weirdass historical case studies to support our killjoy theories of religion.
27 November 2024
E707 ShownotesIn which Dr. Courtney Lewis shares her expertise and personal experience with the writing of the Indian Child Welfare Act.
Dr. Lewis is Crandall Family Associate Professor of Cultural Anthropology and the Inaugural Director of the Native American Studies Initiative at Duke University, as well as an enrolled citizen of the Cherokee Nation. -
In which we reflect on what it was like to find our collective voice. (Spoilers: it was really hard! But also really awesome!)
15 January 2025
E709 ShownotesWelcome to our very first movie discussion, nerds! In which we chat about the Ramayana with no Ram, why Hanuman is the Best Beast, Hijra superheroes, and also that Dev Patel should call us.
29 January 2025
E710 ShownotesIn which Megan tries not to spend the whole hour screaming about Dobbs whilst we discuss what adoption has to do with religious freedom.
12 Feb 2025
E711 shownotesIn which we review our very depressing and important miniseries discussion on religion and adoption AND play ridiculous orphan games as a reward for having done the hard things
In which Megan chats with a handful of folks who are also part of the Amplify Podcast Network's first Sustain stream--Sally Chivers (Wrinkle Radio), Charisse L’Pree (Critical and Curious), and M.E. Luke (Critical Technology Podcast)--plus pod bestie Hannah McGregor.
12 March 2025
transcriptIn which we discuss all things RINDWY with the fabulous Jenn Jordan for the Syosset Public Library's official podcast, Turn the Page. The library is OPEN, y'all!
In which we (mostly Ilyse) go all in on religion & tattoos. Special interest: ACTIVATE.